• The Best Times to post on Instagram

    Like the algorithm, the answer seems to change every year. Many studies have been conducted on the subject including one (accessible here) informing us that the following niches are the most effective:
    • Monday at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.
    • Tuesday at 10 p.m.
    • Wednesday at 5 p.m.
    • Thursday at 7 a.m. and 11 p.m.
    • Friday at 1 a.m.
    • Saturday at 2 a.m.
    • Sunday at 5 p.m.
    But that does not mean that these hours are good for your brand. Indeed, each Instagram account has its own audience, its own time zones, this is why it is crucial to determine when to post specifically for your company.
    I will explain throughout this article how to find the best days & times for your Instagram account.
    Best times to post on Instagram?
    If you want to get around the Instagram the algorithm, scheduling your posts when the majority of your subscribers are online is very important. This does not only take into account the total number of interactions of your content, but also the speed with which you obtained this commitment.
    So if you post within hours of your subscribers' connection, you will get more chances to get "likes" and comments quickly. If your posts get a lot of Likes right after they are posted, this signals to Instagram that you are posting quality content and the algorithm will show your posts to a higher number of subscribers.
    By researching the best times to post to Instagram, you can beat the algorithm to increase your reach and boost your Instagram account. So how do you determine the best hours and days to post on Instagram?

    How do I know when to post to Instagram?

    Although studies have been done on the subject, it is very difficult to say in reality that there is a better specific time to publish.
    Different audiences will be active at different times, and it can vary depending on time zones, that's why it's important to find your own best posting periods on Instagram.

    Find the best moments with account statistics

    One of the best ways to obtain this information is to analyze your audience using Instagram statistics from your application. To access this data, you will have to switch to the Instagram professional profile, which is free and without any real inconvenience. Instagram analytics give Community Managers a lot of extremely important data about subscribers, including:
    • their location
    • their gender
    • their age range
    • their hours & days of connection
    Instagram makes it easy to detect the best hours & best days to post your photos/videos, as the graphs above show the times when your subscribers are online. 

    Experience multiple moments of publication and measure your performance

    How to know if we post at the best time to post on social media?
    The key indicator to know if you post during the right hours & days is undoubtedly the scope. Indeed, it is difficult to assert that it is because a publication has received a lot of commitment that it was necessarily posted at the right time. In my opinion, it is rather the quality/relevance of the content that will have an impact on engagement.
    However, the number of people reached by your publication, either because people saw it in their news feed or via a hashtag search gives a real idea of ​​the presence of your subscribers and your potential followers.
    To have precise data regarding the reach, go to your account statistics, click on the "Content" tab then click on "See all" in the "Publications" section. You will then have the possibility of ranking your publications, from the one having reached the most people to the one having reached the least.
    It will then be interesting to analyze the publication times of the best performing content for this metric.

    When to publish in Instagram Stories?

    The Stories Instagram function differently from conventional publications because of their ephemeral nature. After 24 hours, they disappear, which pushes Community Managers to constantly have to imagine at least one content available in their Brand Story. As each photo/video posted is online for a whole day, you radiate in the same way at 3 a.m. as at 6 p.m. What will change will be the number of people viewing your content throughout the day.
    Due to their nature, it is often interesting to share behind the scenes of a company or to announce an event. It is therefore sometimes difficult to have control over the exact time of publication, unlike conventional publications. If you create content from scratch and you are looking for the engagement of your subscribers through stickers, for example, align yourself to the connection hours provided by your account statistics.
    It will also be interesting to analyze the statistics of your brand's Instagram Stories, in order to identify the most popular content, and those with the most reach.

    How to schedule your publications at the best times?

    Now that you know when your subscribers are most connected, the last step is to schedule your content at the best times & best days.
    There are several reasons to schedule your posts on Instagram, the main one being to save time in managing and animating your account, and above all not to have to hurry in writing the captions for each post.
    A simple way is to use the Community Manager Hoot suite tool to schedule several Instagram posts in the future. You just need to create a free account on the platform and synchronize your Instagram profile. The tool will then offer you a publication module with a calendar:

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